Debating News

Debating News

The FSG debating team participated in the first Junior League tournament on 7th December at Dillmann-Gymnasium in Stuttgart.

Annika L. (9d), Denise R. (8e) and Alisa Z. (9d) debated in the first two rounds. The motion for the impromptu round was “This House would not purchase toys which are based on fighting and violence”, and the FSG team opposed.

The prepared motion was “This House would abolish grades in Music, Art and PE”. Our team proposed this time.

It’s the very first time our three debaters have ever participated in a debate, but they still won the prepared debate. Well done!

Rounds 3 and 4 will be taking place on 2nd February at Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium in Winnenden. We’re keeping our fingers crossed!

Termine am FSG

Ein musikalisches Zeichen für den Frieden


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Die nächsten Ferien

18.05.2024 - 31.05.2024 Pfingstferien

Ferienpläne anschauen